Source code for eispac.core.export_fits

__all__ = ['export_fits']

import sys
import copy
import shutil
import pathlib
from datetime import datetime, timedelta
import numpy as np
import h5py
from import fits
import sunpy.coordinates as coords
from eispac.core.eisfitresult import EISFitResult
from eispac.core.save_fit import lineid_to_name

# function to save fit inten to fits files
[docs] def export_fits(fit_result, save_dir=None, verbose=False): """Save fit line intensites, velocites, and widths to a .fits file Parameters ---------- fit_result : `~eispac.core.EISFitResult` object Fit parameter results from eispac.fit_spectra() save_dir : str or `pathlib.Path` object, optional Directory where the fit results should be saved. If set to None, the results will be saved in the same folder as the source data. If set to, 'cwd', the results will be saved to the current working directory. Default is None. verbose : bool, optional If set to True, will print additional information to the console. Default is False. Returns ------- output_filepath : list of `pathlib.Path` objects Path object pointing to the output files. Each parameter is saved in a seperate file and, if there are more than one spectral lines fit, in the template, each line will be saved to its own set of files. """ # Validate inputs if not isinstance(fit_result, EISFitResult): print("Error: Please input a valid EISFitResult object.", file=sys.stderr) return None elif fit_result.meta is None or 'mod_index' not in fit_result.meta.keys(): print("Error: Missing mod_index containing pointing information.", file=sys.stderr) return None # Parse filename and determine the directory and filename data_filepath = pathlib.Path(fit_result.meta['filename_head']).resolve() data_name = str( if save_dir is None: output_dir = data_filepath.parent elif isinstance(save_dir, pathlib.Path): output_dir = save_dir elif isinstance(save_dir, str): if save_dir.casefold() == 'cwd': output_dir = pathlib.Path().cwd() else: output_dir = pathlib.Path(save_dir) else: print("Error: Please input a valid save directory or set " +"save_dir='cwd' to save files to the current directory", file=sys.stderr) return None if not output_dir.is_dir(): print("Error: sav_dir is invalid or missing!", file=sys.stderr) return None # get file name string file_prefix = data_name.split('.')[0] # e.g. "eis_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS" line_name = lineid_to_name(['line_ids'][0]) try: tmplt_id = pathlib.Path(fit_result.meta['filename_template']) tmplt_id = tmplt_id.split('.')[1] except: tmplt_id = str(len(['line_ids']))+'c' output_name = file_prefix+'.'+line_name+'.'+tmplt_id+'-0.inten.fits' output_filepath = output_dir.joinpath(output_name) print('Saving fit EIS intensities, velocities, and widths to fits files...') print(' Directory: '+str(output_dir)) # Fetch index from the meta structure, cut out spectral data and update hdr_dict = copy.deepcopy(fit_result.meta['mod_index']) void = hdr_dict.pop('cname3', None) void = hdr_dict.pop('crval3', None) void = hdr_dict.pop('crpix3', None) void = hdr_dict.pop('cdelt3', None) void = hdr_dict.pop('ctype3', None) void = hdr_dict.pop('cunit3', None) void = hdr_dict.pop('naxis3', None) hdr_dict['naxis'] = 2 code_ver = fit_result.eispac_version date_fit = fit_result.date_fit hdr_dict['history'] = 'fit using eispac '+code_ver+' on '+date_fit data_hdr = fits.Header(hdr_dict) # Create the header for the bintable containing the errors err_hdr = copy.deepcopy(data_hdr) void = err_hdr.pop('bunit', None) void = err_hdr.pop('measurement', None) total_num_vals = int(data_hdr['naxis2']) err_tform = str(total_num_vals)+'D' err_tdim = '('+str(data_hdr['naxis1'])+')' err_hdr['naxis1'] = total_num_vals*8 err_hdr['naxis2'] = data_hdr['naxis1'] err_hdr['tfields'] = data_hdr['naxis2'] err_hdr['ttype1'] = 'errors' err_hdr['tdim1'] = err_tdim err_hdr['tform1'] = err_tform # Loop over all of the parameters and crewate the fits files # If there are multiple line_ids, output each line to its own set of files # and return a list of filepaths (consistent with old IDL workflow) params = ['int', 'vel', 'wid'] param_full_names = ['intensity', 'velocity', 'width'] num_params = len(params) num_line_ids = len(['line_ids']) output_files = [] for i in range(num_line_ids): line_id =['line_ids'][i] if 'NO' in line_id: print(f' LINE ID = {line_id}, skipping') continue line_name = lineid_to_name(line_id) for p in range(num_params): output_name = file_prefix+'.'+line_name+'.'+tmplt_id+'-'+str(i)+'.'+params[p]+'.fits' output_files.append(output_dir.joinpath(output_name)) if i==0 and p == 0: print(' Filenames: '+output_name) else: print(' '+output_name) # 14 spaces for alignment # Fetch data arrays if param_full_names[p] == 'intensity': data_array =['int'][:,:,i] err_array =['err_int'][:,:,i] data_hdr['bunit'] =['param_units'][0] elif param_full_names[p] == 'velocity': data_array =['vel'][:,:,i] err_array =['err_vel'][:,:,i] data_hdr['bunit'] = 'km/s' elif param_full_names[p] == 'width': data_array =['params'][:,:,2+3*i] err_array =['perror'][:,:,2+3*i] data_hdr['bunit'] = 'Angstrom' # Update header information data_hdr['line_id'] = line_id data_hdr['measrmnt'] = param_full_names[p] err_hdr['tunit1'] = data_hdr['bunit'] # Create fits HDUs and save to a file # NB: Errors are stored in a binary table with n_pxls total rows, # each with n_steps values. This is reloaded into a np.recarray main_hdu = fits.PrimaryHDU(data_array, header=data_hdr) err_col = fits.Column(name='errors', format=err_tform, dim=err_tdim, unit=err_hdr['tunit1'], array=err_array) err_hdu = fits.BinTableHDU.from_columns([err_col], header=err_hdr) hdu_list = fits.HDUList([main_hdu, err_hdu]) # hdu_list.writeto(output_files[-1], output_verify='silentfix', hdu_list.writeto(output_files[-1], output_verify='fix', overwrite=True) return output_files