Source code for eispac.core.fit_spectra

__all__ = ['fit_spectra']

import sys
import copy
import pathlib
import inspect
from datetime import datetime
import multiprocessing as mp
import numpy as np
import eispac.core.fitting_functions as fit_fns
from eispac.core.eiscube import EISCube
from eispac.core.read_cube import read_cube
from eispac.core.eisfittemplate import EISFitTemplate
from eispac.core.eisfitresult import EISFitResult
from eispac.core.eisfitresult import create_fit_dict
from eispac.core.scale_guess import scale_guess
from eispac.extern.mpfit import mpfit
from eispac.instr import calc_velocity

# i'm sure that there is a better way to do this!
cntr = mp.Value("i", 0) # a counter
nexp = mp.Value("i", 0) # total exposures

def check_for_name_guard(debug=False):
    """Check to see if the top level script has a "name guard" that will
    protect against multiprocessing spawning infinite child processes.
    name_guard = False
    # Walk up the call stack and find the first program or script with
    # __name__ == "__main__". This should be the top-level program.
    if debug:
        print('Checking call stack for a name guard...')
    call_stack = inspect.stack()
    for s in range(len(call_stack)):
        frame = call_stack[s][0]
        frame_filename = call_stack[s][1]
        if debug:
            print('Stack frame index:', s)
            print('   filename = ', frame_filename)
        if '__name__' in frame.f_locals:
            if debug:
                print('   __name__ = ', frame.f_locals['__name__'])
                print('   pathlib.Path.is_file() = ',
            if frame.f_locals['__name__'] == '__main__':
                if not frame_filename.endswith('.py'):
                    # Probably running in a Python terminal or interactive shell
                    name_guard = False
                    if pathlib.Path(frame_filename).is_file() == False:
                        # Probably running in an entry point executable
                        name_guard = True
                    # Examine the source code of __main__ script
                    with open(frame_filename, 'r') as f_file:
                        for line in f_file.readlines():
                            sl = line.replace(' ','') # Remove whitespace
                            sl = sl.replace('"', "'") # Convert " to '
                            if sl.startswith("if__name__=='__main__':"):
                                name_guard = True

    return name_guard

def fit_with_mpfit(wave_cube, inten_cube, errs_cube, template, parinfo,
                   min_points=7,  chunk=1, data_units='unknown'):
    """Helper function for fit_spectra(). Fits one or more intensity spectra
    using the mpfit module.

    with cntr.get_lock():
        cntr.value += 1
    #print(f' + working on exposure {cntr.value:03d}') #, end='\r')
    print(f' + working on exposure {chunk:03d}', end='\r')

    inten_size = inten_cube.shape
    n_pxls = inten_size[0]
    n_steps = inten_size[1]
    n_wave = inten_size[2]
    line_ids = template['line_ids']
    if isinstance(line_ids, bytes):
        line_ids = [line_ids.decode('utf-8')]

    # Extract fit information from template
    n_gauss = template['n_gauss']
    n_poly = template['n_poly']
    min_wave = template['wmin'] #template['data_x'][0]
    max_wave = template['wmax'] #template['data_x'][-1]
    oldguess = template['fit']

    # Create fit dictionary, mask array, and parameter indices
    fit_dict = create_fit_dict(n_pxls, n_steps, n_wave, n_gauss, n_poly,
    fit_dict['line_ids'] = line_ids
    fit_dict['wave_range'][0] = min_wave
    fit_dict['wave_range'][1] = max_wave
    mask_ij = np.ones(n_wave)
    loc_peaks = np.arange(n_gauss)*3
    loc_cen = np.arange(n_gauss)*3+1
    loc_wid = np.arange(n_gauss)*3+2
    loc_backs = np.arange(n_poly)+n_gauss*3

    # loop over pixel positions and slit steps in the entire raster
    for ii in range(n_pxls):
        for jj in range(n_steps):

            # Extract a single profile from the raster
            wave_ij = wave_cube[ii,jj,::]
            inten_ij = inten_cube[ii,jj,::]
            errs_ij = errs_cube[ii,jj,::]

            # Cut data to only "good" nonzero errs within the wavelength range
            mask_ij[0:-1] = 1 # reset the mask (remember: 1 = True = masked val)
            loc_good = np.where((errs_ij > 0) & (wave_ij >= min_wave)
                                & (wave_ij <= max_wave))
            num_good_data = len(loc_good[0])
            if num_good_data > 0:
                mask_ij[loc_good] = 0 # unmask good data

            fit_dict['mask'][ii,jj,:] = mask_ij[:] # always save the mask

            if num_good_data < min_points:
                fit_dict['status'][ii,jj] = -1
            wave_ij = wave_ij[loc_good]
            inten_ij = inten_ij[loc_good]
            errs_ij = errs_ij[loc_good]

            # Scale guess parameters to data (should speed up fitting some)
            newguess = scale_guess(wave_ij, inten_ij, oldguess, n_gauss, n_poly)

            # Plug in new guess values to parinfo
            for i in range(len(newguess)):
                parinfo[i]['value'] = newguess[i]

            # Assemble dict of extra args to pass to mpfit
            fa = {'x': wave_ij, 'y': inten_ij, 'error': errs_ij,
                  'n_gauss': n_gauss, 'n_poly': n_poly}

            # Fit the profile
            out = mpfit(fit_fns.multigaussian_deviates, parinfo=parinfo,
                        functkw=fa, xtol=1.0E-6, ftol=1.0E-6, gtol=1.0E-6,
                        maxiter=2000, quiet=1)

            # check convergence status for a valid result
            if out.status > 0:
                # compute line inten and errors directly (may need to revisit)
                fpeaks = out.params[loc_peaks]
                fwdths = out.params[loc_wid]
                epeaks = out.perror[loc_peaks]
                ewdths = out.perror[loc_wid]
                l_inten = np.sqrt(2*np.pi)*fpeaks*fwdths
                e_inten = np.zeros(n_gauss)
                for n in range(n_gauss):
                    if fpeaks[n] != 0 and fwdths[n] != 0:
                        e_inten[n] = (l_inten[n]*np.sqrt((epeaks[n]/fpeaks[n])**2
                        e_inten[n] = 0.0

                # assemble fit structure
                fit_dict['status'][ii,jj] = out.status
                fit_dict['chi2'][ii,jj] = out.fnorm/out.dof
                fit_dict['wavelength'][ii,jj,:] = wave_cube[ii,jj,:]
                fit_dict['params'][ii,jj,:] = out.params
                fit_dict['perror'][ii,jj,:] = out.perror
                fit_dict['int'][ii,jj,:] = l_inten
                fit_dict['err_int'][ii,jj,:] = e_inten
                fit_dict['width'][ii,jj,:] = fwdths
                fit_dict['err_width'][ii,jj,:] = ewdths
                print(' ! fit did not converge!')
                fit_dict['status'][ii,jj] = out.status

    return fit_dict

[docs] def fit_spectra(inten, template, parinfo=None, wave=None, errs=None, min_points=7, ncpu='max', unsafe_mp=False, ignore_warnings=False, skip_fitting=False, debug=False): """Fit one or more EIS line spectra using mpfit (with multiprocessing). Parameters ---------- inten : EISCube object, array_like, or filepath One or more intensity profiles to be fit. The code will loop over the data according to its dimensionality. 3D data is assumed to be a full EIS raster (or a sub region), 2D data is assumed to be a single EIS slit, and 1D data is assumed to be a single profile. template : EISFitTemplate object, dict, or filepath Either an EISFitTemplate, a 'template' dictionary, or the path to a template file. parinfo : list, optional List of dictionaries with fit parameters formatted for use with mpfit. Will supercede any parinfo lists loaded from an EISFitTemplate. Required if the 'template' parameter is given as a dictionary. wave : array_like, optional Associated wavelength values for the spectra. Required if 'inten' is given as an array and ignored otherwise. errs : array_like, optional Intensity error values for the spectra. Required if 'inten' is given as an array and ignored otherwise. min_points : int, optional Minimum number of good quality data points (i.e. non-zero values & errs) to be used in each fit. Spectra with fewer data points will be skipped. Must be a number >= the total number of fit parameters. Default is 7. ncpu : int, optional Number of cpu processes to parallelize over. Must be less than or equal to the total number of cores the system has. If set to 'max' or None, the code will use the maximum number of cores available. Default is 'max'. Important: due to the specifics of how the multiprocessing library works, any statements that call fit_spectra() using ncpu > 1 MUST be wrapped in a "if __name__ == '__main__':" statement in the top-level program. If such a "name guard" statement is not detected, this function will fall back to using a single process. unsafe_mp : bool, optional If set to True (and ncpu > 0), will use multiprocessing even if there is no "name guard" in use (see above). Used by the console script "eit_fit_files". Default is False (name guard enforced). Disabling the name guard runs the risk of spawning infinite processes if run incorrectly. USE AT YOUR OWN RISK! ignore_warnings : bool, optional If set to True, will silence the warning about a missing or disabled name guard (we are serious at it, be careful). Default is False. skip_fitting : bool, optional If set to True, will skip the fitting altogether and just return an empty EISFitResult instance. Used mainly for testing. Default is False. debug : bool, optional If set to True, will print some extra information useful for debugging development versions of the code. Default is False. Returns ------- fit_res : EISFitResult class instance An EISFitResult object containing the output fit parameters. """ # Validate template & parinfo and read / copy as needed if isinstance(template, (str, pathlib.Path)): template_obj = EISFitTemplate.read_template(template) if template_obj is None: return None template_copy = copy.deepcopy(template_obj.template) parinfo_copy = copy.deepcopy(template_obj.parinfo) tmplt_filename = template_obj.filename_temp elif isinstance(template, EISFitTemplate): template._validate_parinfo_list() #force validation of .parinfo template._validate_template_dict() #force check/update of .template template_copy = copy.deepcopy(template.template) parinfo_copy = copy.deepcopy(template.parinfo) tmplt_filename = template.filename_temp elif isinstance(template, dict): template_copy = copy.deepcopy(template) parinfo_copy = None tmplt_filename = 'unknown' else: print('Please input either the path to a template file, an' +' EISFitTemplate instance, or dictionary.', file=sys.stderr) return None if isinstance(parinfo, list): # Direct user-input always supercedes automatically loaded data parinfo_copy = copy.deepcopy(parinfo) elif parinfo_copy is None: print('Please input a parinfo list or a full EISFitTemplate.', file=sys.stderr) return None # If given an EISCube, extract data arrays and zero out masked values. # Otherwise, make local copies and just zero out negative values # TODO: Add more validation for the case of input arrays if isinstance(inten, (str, pathlib.Path)): central_wave = np.mean([template_copy['wmin'], template_copy['wmax']]) eis_cube = read_cube(inten, window=float(central_wave)) if eis_cube is None: return None wave_cube = eis_cube.wavelength.copy() errs_cube = eis_cube.uncertainty.array.copy() inten_cube = metadata = copy.deepcopy(eis_cube.meta) data_units = eis_cube.unit.to_string() data_radcal = copy.deepcopy(eis_cube.radcal) loc_masked = np.where(eis_cube.mask == True) inten_cube[loc_masked] = 0 errs_cube[loc_masked] = 0 del eis_cube elif isinstance(inten, EISCube): wave_cube = inten.wavelength.copy() errs_cube = inten.uncertainty.array.copy() inten_cube = metadata = copy.deepcopy(inten.meta) data_units = inten.unit.to_string() data_radcal = copy.deepcopy(inten.radcal) loc_masked = np.where(inten.mask == True) inten_cube[loc_masked] = 0 errs_cube[loc_masked] = 0 elif isinstance(inten, np.ndarray): if not isinstance(wave, np.ndarray): print('Please input a wavelength array or a full EISCube.', file=sys.stderr) return None elif not isinstance(errs, np.ndarray): print('Please input an error array or a full EISCube.', file=sys.stderr) return None wave_cube = wave.copy() errs_cube = errs.copy() inten_cube = inten.copy() metadata = {'filename_data':'unknown', 'index':{}, 'pointing':{}, 'radcal':'unknown', 'wave':'unknown'} data_units = 'unknown' data_radcal = 'unknown' loc_bad = np.where(errs_cube <= 0) inten_cube[loc_bad] = 0 errs_cube[loc_bad] = 0 else: print('Error: missing or invalid data. Please input a filepath, EISCube,' +' or complete set of intensity, wavelength, and error arrays.', file=sys.stderr) return None # Validate input ncpu value if str(ncpu).lower() == 'max' or str(ncpu).lower() == 'none': ncpu = mp.cpu_count() else: ncpu = int(ncpu) if ncpu <= 0: ncpu = 1 elif ncpu > mp.cpu_count(): ncpu = mp.cpu_count() # Ensure that multiprocessing will not spawn infinite child processes if ncpu > 1: name_guard = check_for_name_guard(debug=debug) if unsafe_mp == True and name_guard == False: if ignore_warnings == False: print('CRITICAL WARNING: unsafe_mp == True while no name guard' +' was found in the top-level script! Be aware, parallel' +' processes may freeze or behave unexpectedly.') elif name_guard == False: ncpu = 1 if ignore_warnings == False: print('WARNING: no name guard was found in the top-level script!' +' Falling back to a single process for safety.') # Check value of min_points n_params = len(parinfo_copy) if min_points is None or min_points < n_params: print('WARNING: min_points must be >= total number of fit parameters.' +' min_points has been set to '+str(n_params)) min_points = n_params # Check the dimensions of input data. # If the the arrays are not 3D, add shallow dimensions of size 1 num_dims = inten_cube.ndim dims_size = inten_cube.shape if num_dims == 1: n_pxls = 1 n_steps = 1 wave_cube = wave_cube[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :] inten_cube = inten_cube[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :] errs_cube = errs_cube[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :] elif num_dims == 2: n_pxls = dims_size[0] n_steps = 1 wave_cube = wave_cube[:, np.newaxis, :] inten_cube = inten_cube[:, np.newaxis, :] errs_cube = errs_cube[:, np.newaxis, :] elif num_dims == 3: n_pxls = dims_size[0] n_steps = dims_size[1] wave_cube = wave_cube inten_cube = inten_cube errs_cube = errs_cube # Initalize output object which will contain the fit results fit_res = EISFitResult(wave_cube, template_copy, parinfo_copy, func_name='multigaussian', data_units=data_units, radcal=data_radcal) fit_res.meta = metadata fit_res.meta['filename_template'] = tmplt_filename fit_res.fit_module = 'mpfit' fit_res.fit_method = 'LevMarLSQ' if skip_fitting != True: t1 = # start a simple timer nexp.value = n_steps print(f' + computing fits for {n_steps:d} exposures, each with {n_pxls:d} spectra') # Run fitting in either a single process (default) or using multiprocessing if ncpu == 1: print(' + running mpfit in a single process') fit_dict = fit_with_mpfit(wave_cube, inten_cube, errs_cube, template_copy, parinfo_copy, min_points, data_units=data_units) = fit_dict else: if ncpu > n_steps: ncpu = n_steps print(f' + running mpfit on {ncpu:d} cores (of {mp.cpu_count():d})') # initialize pool of workers with mp.Pool(processes=ncpu) as pool: # Split out the data for each single slit and run the pool args = [(wave_cube[:,jj:jj+1,:], inten_cube[:,jj:jj+1,:], errs_cube[:,jj:jj+1,:], template_copy, parinfo_copy, min_points, jj+1, data_units) for jj in range(n_steps)] pool_out = pool.starmap(fit_with_mpfit, args) # Now, loop over each slit and copy fit results values to full output object for jj in range(n_steps):['status'][:,jj] = pool_out[jj]['status'][:,0]['chi2'][:,jj] = pool_out[jj]['chi2'][:,0]['mask'][:,jj,:] = pool_out[jj]['mask'][:,0,:]['wavelength'][:,jj,:] = pool_out[jj]['wavelength'][:,0,:]['params'][:,jj,:] = pool_out[jj]['params'][:,0,:]['perror'][:,jj,:] = pool_out[jj]['perror'][:,0,:]['int'][:,jj,:] = pool_out[jj]['int'][:,0,:]['err_int'][:,jj,:] = pool_out[jj]['err_int'][:,0,:]['width'][:,jj,:] = pool_out[jj]['width'][:,0,:]['err_width'][:,jj,:] = pool_out[jj]['err_width'][:,0,:] # Calculate the Doppler velocity for each line # TODO: revisit error estimation for gg in range(fit_res.n_gauss): base_wave = parinfo_copy[1+3*gg]['value'] obs_cent =['params'][:,:,1+3*gg] obs_errs =['perror'][:,:,1+3*gg] velocity = calc_velocity(obs_cent, base_wave)['vel'][:,:,gg] = velocity rel_err = obs_errs/obs_cent['err_vel'][:,:,gg] = rel_err*velocity # print status t2 = # end timer num_fit = len(np.where(['status'] > -0)[0]) num_too_few = len(np.where((['status'] == -2) | (['status'] == -1))[0]) num_bad_params = len(np.where((['status'] == -3) | (['status'] == 0))[0]) print('\n') print('Finished computing fits!') print(f' runtime : {t2-t1}') print(f' {num_fit} spectra fit without issues') print(f' {num_too_few} spectra have < {min_points} good data points') print(f' {num_bad_params} spectra have bad or invalid parameters') # reset global counters cntr.value = 0 nexp.value = 0 return fit_res