Source code for eispac.core.read_wininfo

__all__ = ['read_wininfo']

import sys
import pathlib
import numpy as np
import h5py

[docs] def read_wininfo(filename): """Read the window information from an EIS HDF5 header file Parameters ---------- filename : str or `pathlib.Path` object Name of either the data or head HDF5 file for a single EIS observation Returns ------- wininfo : `numpy.recarray` A record array with the information for all spectral windows in the EIS observation """ # Input type validation (value checks are implemented later) if not isinstance(filename, (str, pathlib.Path)): print('Error: Please input a valid filepath as ' +'either a string or pathlib.Path object', file=sys.stderr) return None # Parse filename and determine the directory and filename abs_filepath = pathlib.Path(filename).resolve() input_name = str( input_dir = abs_filepath.parent if str(input_dir) == '.': input_dir = pathlib.Path().cwd() # Determine header filename, even if given a data filename by mistake head_filepath = input_dir.joinpath(input_name.replace('.data.h5', '.head.h5')) # Check that the file exists and has the correct file extension if not head_filepath.is_file(): print('Error: Header file does not exist, ' + str(head_filepath), file=sys.stderr) return None if not str(head_filepath).endswith('.head.h5'): print('Error: Invalid file extension. Please input a filename that ends' +' with .head.h5', file=sys.stderr) return None wininfo = None with h5py.File(head_filepath, 'r') as f_head: num_win = f_head['/wininfo/nwin'][0] dt = np.dtype([('iwin', 'i4'), ('line_id', 'U64'), ('wvl_min', 'f'), ('wvl_max','f'), ('nl', 'i4'), ('xs','i4')]) wininfo = np.recarray((num_win,), dtype=dt) for iwin in range(num_win): line_id = f_head[f'/wininfo/win{iwin:02d}/line_id'][0] wvl_min = f_head[f'/wininfo/win{iwin:02d}/wvl_min'][0] wvl_max = f_head[f'/wininfo/win{iwin:02d}/wvl_max'][0] win_nl = f_head[f'/wininfo/win{iwin:02d}/nl'][0] win_xs = f_head[f'/wininfo/win{iwin:02d}/xs'][0] wininfo[iwin].iwin = iwin wininfo[iwin].line_id = line_id.decode('utf-8') wininfo[iwin].wvl_min = wvl_min wininfo[iwin].wvl_max = wvl_max wininfo[iwin].nl = win_nl wininfo[iwin].xs = win_xs return wininfo