Source code for

#!/usr/bin/env python

import os
import asyncio
import parfive
# import urllib.request, requests, wget

[docs] class download_hdf5_data: """ An object for downloading EIS HDF5 level1 files input is parsed to construct the remote and local filenames, curl is spawned to download the files (what if it doesn't exist?), if files exist locally they are skipped. Parameters ---------- filename : `str` or `list` An EIS filename. Such as, eis_l0_20200311_213413.fits, eis_l1_20200311_213413.fits.gz, /some_path/eis_l0_20200311_213413.fits. Can be a single path or a list of paths datetree : `bool` Create a local path organized by date (YYYY/MM/DD) local_top : `str` Top of the local path (e.g., data_eis) nodata : `bool` Don't download data files nohead : `bool` Don't download head files overwrite : `bool` Download even if file exists locally headonly : `bool` Equivalent to ``nodata`` + ``overwrite`` max_conn : int Max number of download connections that parfive will use """ def __init__(self, filename=None, source='nrl', local_top='data_eis', datetree=False, nodata=False, nohead=False, overwrite=False, headonly=False, max_conn=2): if source.lower().startswith('nasa'): self.top_url = '' elif source.lower().startswith('mssl'): self.top_url = '' else: self.top_url = '' self.local_top = local_top self.datetree = datetree self.nodata = nodata self.nohead = nohead self.overwrite = overwrite self.max_conn = max_conn if headonly: self.nodata = True self.overwrite = True if local_top is None: self.local_top = os.getcwd() elif local_top.casefold() == 'cwd': self.local_top = os.getcwd() if filename is not None: self.process_input(filename)
[docs] def process_input(self, this_input): """ input can be a filename or a list of filenames """ # make input into a list so we can iterate over it if not isinstance(this_input, list): this_input = [this_input] # process input and download for this_file in this_input: self.construct_filenames(this_file)
[docs] def construct_filenames(self, input_filename): """ convert input into remote and local filenames """ f, year, month, day = self.eis_filename = self.parse_input_filename(input_filename) self.f_data = f + '.data.h5' self.f_head = f + '.head.h5' self.date_path = os.path.join(year, month, day) self.remote_data = os.path.join(self.top_url, self.date_path, self.f_data) self.remote_head = os.path.join(self.top_url, self.date_path, self.f_head) self.remote_data = self.remote_data.replace('\\', '/') # ensure unix format self.remote_head = self.remote_head.replace('\\', '/') self.local_data = self.f_data self.local_head = self.f_head if self.datetree: self.local_path = os.path.join(self.local_top, self.date_path) else: self.local_path = self.local_top self.local_data = os.path.join(self.local_path, self.local_data) self.local_head = os.path.join(self.local_path, self.local_head)
[docs] def parse_input_filename(self, input_filename): """ convert an eis fits filename into an hdf5 filename; extract year, month, day """ # Extract and format the filename # For exmaple, /path/eis_l0_20200311_213413.fits.gz f = os.path.basename(input_filename) f = f.split('.')[0] # eis_l0_20200311_213413 f = f.replace('_l0_', '_') # eis_20200311_213413 f = f.replace('_l1_', '_') # eis_20200311_213413 # Extract year, month, day from filename d = f.split('_')[1] # 20200311 year = d[0:4] month = d[4:6] day = d[6:8] return f, year, month, day
[docs] def download(self): """ download data and head files, unless told not to """ if not self.nodata: self.download_file(self.remote_data, self.local_path, self.f_data) if not self.nohead: self.download_file(self.remote_head, self.local_path, self.f_head)
[docs] def download_file(self, remote_filepath, local_dir, local_name): """ Use parfive to download the file """ # Quick hack for silencing ignored exceptions on windows due to outdated parfive code if == 'nt': asyncio.set_event_loop_policy(asyncio.WindowsSelectorEventLoopPolicy()) local_filepath = os.path.join(local_dir, local_name) # check that local directory exists and create as needed self.check_local_dir(local_filepath) if self.overwrite or not os.path.isfile(local_filepath): try: print(f'+ downloading {remote_filepath} -> {local_filepath}') dl = parfive.Downloader(max_conn=self.max_conn, overwrite=True) dl.enqueue_file(remote_filepath, path=local_dir, filename=local_name+'.part', verify_ssl=False) dl_result = if len(dl_result.errors) == 0: os.replace(local_filepath+'.part', local_filepath) else: print(f' ERROR: Incomplete file download.') print('') except: print(f' ! Error trying to download: {remote_filepath}') else: print(f' + {local_filepath} exists, skipping download')
[docs] def check_local_dir(self, local_file): """ check if local dir exits. If not, create it """ local_dir = os.path.dirname(local_file) if local_dir != '': if not os.path.isdir(local_dir): os.makedirs(local_dir) print(' + created ' + local_dir)
if __name__ == '__main__': # do nothing o = download_hdf5_data(filename='eis_l0_20200311_213413.fits')