Source code for eispac.instr.calc_velocity

__all__ = ['calc_velocity']

import sys
import numpy as np
import astropy.constants as const

[docs] def calc_velocity(observed_wave, rest_wave, corr_method='column'): """Calculate the Doppler velocity of a given line profile Parameters ---------- observed_wave : list, tuple, or `~numpy.ndarray` Observed centroid wavelength values for a given spectral line in units of [Angstrom] rest_wave : float or str Rest wavelength value in units of [Angstrom]. If given a string, will check to see if it is a spectral line ID and, if it is, will try to extract the rest wavelength. corr_method : str, optional Method used to roughly correct for spacecraft temperture variations. Choose from 'column', 'image', or None. Default is 'column' Returns ------- velocity : `~numpy.ndarray` Doppler velocity in units of [km/s]. Computed using the equation, vel = c*(obs_wave - rest_wave)/rest_wave """ # Check input values if isinstance(observed_wave, (list, tuple)): obs_wave = np.array(observed_wave) elif isinstance(observed_wave, np.ndarray): obs_wave = observed_wave else: print('Error: invalid observed_wave datatype. Please input a list or' +' array with valid wavelength values.', file=sys.stderr) return 0.0 if isinstance(rest_wave, (int, float)): wave_0 = float(rest_wave) elif isinstance(rest_wave, str): try: wave_0 = float(rest_wave) except ValueError: # Assume an input line ID (e.g. "Fe XII 195.119") try: wave_0 = float(rest_wave.split()[2]) except: print('Error: invalid line ID input to rest_wave. Please use a' +' line ID with a format like "Fe XII 195.119".', file=sys.stderr) return 0.0 else: print('Error: invalid rest_wave datatype. Please input a float or' +' string with the line rest wavelength.', file=sys.stderr) return 0.0 if corr_method is not None and not isinstance(corr_method, str): print('Error: invalid corr_method datatype. Please input a string with' +' a value of "column", "image", or "None"', file=sys.stderr) return 0.0 velocity ='km/s').value*(obs_wave-wave_0)/wave_0 # Apply rough correction for Rough correction for S/C temp. if corr_method is None or corr_method.lower() == 'none': pass elif corr_method.lower().startswith('col'): median_vel = np.median(velocity, axis=0) for c in range(len(median_vel)): velocity[:,c] = velocity[:,c] - median_vel[c] elif corr_method.lower().startswith('im'): median_vel = np.median(velocity) velocity = velocity - median_vel else: print('Error: unknown corr_method. Please input a string with' +' a value of "column", "image", or "None"', file=sys.stderr) return 0.0 return velocity