A Quick Guide to EISPAC

Once installed, EISPAC can be imported into any Python script or interactive session with a simple import eispac statement.

The three most important functions are read_cube, read_template, and fit_spectra. Details concerning their usage can be found below. Please also see Advanced Example program for a more complete demonstration.


Example call signature,

read_cube('eis_20190404_131513.data.h5', 195.119)

read_cube typically requires two arguments:

  1. filename (str or Path)

    Name or path of either the data or head HDF5 file for a single EIS observation

  2. window (int or float, optional)

    Requested spectral window number or the value of any wavelength within the requested window. Default is ‘0’

The return value is an EISCube class instance which contains calibrated intensities, corrected wavelengths, and all of the associated metadata. EISCube objects are a subclass of NDCube from the Sunpy-affiliated package of the same name.

You can slice an NDCube object using either array indices or by using physical coordinates and the ndcube.NDCube.crop method. Please see the NDCube documentation for more details.

The EISCube subclass extends NDCube and provides additional features. First, an extra .wavelength attribute has been added which contains a 3D array with the corrected wavelength values at all locations within the cube. Slicing an EISCube will also appropriately slice the wavelength array. Secondly, there are a few extra methods for your convenience, such as .sum_spectra() which returns a new, 2D NDCube containing the sum along the wavelength axis.

A few more notes about EISCube objects,

  • Data axes are in the same order as the array stored in the HDF5 file. Namely, the order is (slit_pixel, raster_step, wavelength), i.e. (solar-y, solar-x, wavelength).

  • All of the EIS metadata and header information are stored as separate keys in the .meta dictionary attribute (e.g. the original FITS header is in .meta['index'] while the updated pointing information is in .meta['pointing']).


Example call signature,


read_template is relatively simple. It takes a single argument giving the filename of a template file and returns an EISFitTemplate class instance containing the the initial fit parameters. Users may view the parameter values by using either the print_parinfo() method or manually inspecting the .template attribute. For convenience, there is also a central_wave attribute that contains the mean wavelength value within the template. This can be useful for loading the correct spectral window using read_cube.


This is the main fitting routine. Example call signature,

fit_spectra(data_cube, fit_template)

The simplest way to use fit_spectra() is to give it two arguments:

  1. data_cube (EISCube object or filepath)

    An EISCube class instance (or slice) containing one or more intensity profiles to be fit. Wavelength and error values will be extracted as needed from the EISCube.

  2. template (EISFitTemplate object or filepath)

    An EISFitTemplate class instance containing both the general template information (in the .template attribute) and a .parinfo attribute with the fit parameter dictionary.

Alternatively, you may provide the function with individual data arrays like this,

fit_spectra(inten_arr, template_dict, parinfo=parinfo_dict,
            wave=wavelength_arr, errs=error_arr)

The function will loop over the data according to its dimensionality. 3D data is assumed to be a full EIS raster (or a sub region), 2D data is assumed to be a single EIS slit, and 1D data is assumed to be a single profile.

fit_spectra returns a EISFitResult class instance containing the fit parameter values. As well as assorted metadata, there are two important class methods that may be of use .get_params() and .get_fit_profile().

The method .get_params() extracts parameters values by either component number, name, or pixel coordinate (or any combination of the three). The arguments are:

  • component (int or None, optional)

    Integer number (or list of ints) of the functional component(s). If set to None, will return the total combined fit profile. Default is None.

  • param_name (str, optional)

    String name of the requested parameter. If set to None, will not filter based on paramater name. Default is None.

  • coords (list or tuple, optional)

    (Y, X) coordinates of the requested datapoint. If set to None, will instead return the parameters at all locations. Default is None

  • num_wavelengths (int, optional)

    Number of wavelength values to compute the fit intensity at. These values will be equally spaced and span the entire fit window. If set to None, will use the observed wavelength values. Default is None.

  • casefold (bool, optional)

    If set to True, will ignore case when extracting parameters by name. Default is False.


c0_params = fit_res.get_fit_profile(component=0)
widths = fit_res.get_fit_profile(param_name='width')

The .get_fit_profile() method may be used to generate the either the combined fit intensity profile or the profile of a single component function. The method takes up to three arguments:

  • component (int or None, optional)

    Integer number (or list of ints) of the functional component(s). If set to None, will return the total combined fit profile. Default is None.

  • coords (list or tuple, optional)

    (Y, X) coordinates of the requested datapoint. If set to None, will instead return the parameters at all locations. Default is None

  • num_wavelengths (int, optional)

    Number of wavelength values to compute the fit intensity at. These values will be equally spaced and span the entire fit window. If set to None, will use the observed wavelength values. Default is None.

get_fit_profile() returns two arrays, fit_wave & fit_inten, which contain the wavelengths and corresponding fit intensity values.


fit_x, fit_y = fit_res.get_fit_profile(coords=(5,5))
c0_fit_x, c0_fit_y = fit_res.get_fit_profile(component=0, num_wavelengths=100)