Source code for eispac.core.eisfitresult

__all__ = ['EISFitResult', 'create_fit_dict']

import copy
from datetime import datetime
import numpy as np
from scipy.ndimage import shift as shift_img
from scipy.interpolate import interp1d
import matplotlib.pyplot as plt
from eispac import __version__ as eispac_version
import eispac.core.fitting_functions as fit_fns
from eispac.core.eisfittemplate import EISFitTemplate
from eispac.core.eismap import EISMap
from eispac.util.rot_xy import rot_xy
from eispac.instr.calc_velocity import calc_velocity
from eispac.instr.ccd_offset import ccd_offset

[docs] class EISFitResult: """Object containing the results from fitting one or more EIS window spectra Parameters ---------- wave : array_like Wavelength values of the data being fit. Used only to determine the correct dimensions for the output arrays. template : dict Fit template parameters and metadata contained in the "template" attribute of an `~eispac.core.EISFitTemplate` object. parinfo : dict Fit parameter initial values and constraints in the format expectd by mpfit. Normally found in the 'parinfo' attribute of an EISFitTemplate object func_name : str, optional String name of function that will be fit to the data. Must be one of the functions defined in the `~eispac.core.fitting_functions` submodule. Default is "multigaussian". Attributes ---------- template : dict Full copy of the input template dictionary parinfo : list of dicts Full copy of the input parinfo list funcinfo : dict Function component information generated from the template dict n_pxls : int Number of pixels along the y-axis n_steps : int Number of raster steps or sit-and-stare exposures in the observation n_wave : int Number of wavelength values in the window n_gauss : int Number of Guassian functions in the fit n_poly : int Number of terms in the polynomial background func_name : str Name of the function fit to the data fit_func : function Copy of the actual Python function named by 'fit_func' fit : dict Dictionary of output fit parameters """ def __init__(self, wave=None, template=None, parinfo=None, func_name='multigaussian', data_units='unknown', radcal='unknown', empty=False): self.date_fit = self.eispac_version = eispac_version self.meta = dict() self.template = copy.deepcopy(template) self.parinfo = copy.deepcopy(parinfo) self.funcinfo = None self.n_pxls = 11 self.n_steps = 22 self.n_wave = 33 self.n_gauss = 1 self.n_poly = 1 self.fit_module = 'unknown' self.fit_method = 'unknown' self.func_name = func_name self.fit_func = None = None self.data_units = data_units self._current_radcal = radcal # Determine input data shape, create fit dictionary, and copy misc. info if not empty: num_dims = wave.ndim dims_size = wave.shape self.n_wave = dims_size[-1] # last dim is always wavelength if num_dims == 1: self.n_pxls = 1 self.n_steps = 1 elif num_dims == 2: self.n_pxls = dims_size[0] self.n_steps = 1 elif num_dims == 3: self.n_pxls = dims_size[0] self.n_steps = dims_size[1] self.n_gauss = template['n_gauss'] self.n_poly = template['n_poly'] self.funcinfo = EISFitTemplate.get_funcinfo(self.template) self.fit_func = getattr(fit_fns, func_name) fit = create_fit_dict(self.n_pxls, self.n_steps, self.n_wave, self.n_gauss, self.n_poly, data_units=self.data_units) line_ids = template['line_ids'] # if isinstance(line_ids, np.ndarray): # line_ids = line_ids.tolist() # multiple entries = array of strings # else: # line_ids = [line_ids.decode('utf-8')] # single entry = byte array fit['line_ids'] = line_ids fit['main_component'] = template['component'] fit['wave_range'][0] = template['wmin'] fit['wave_range'][1] = template['wmax'] = fit else: # Initialize an empty EISFitResult (used by eispac.read_fit) = create_fit_dict(11, 22, 33, 1, 1) @property def radcal(self): """Current radiometric calibration curve""" return self._current_radcal @radcal.setter def radcal(self, input_array): print('Error: Please use the .apply_radcal() and .remove_radcal()' +' methods to modify or change the radiometric calibration.') def _validate_component_num(self, component): """Helper function for validating functional component number. Note: unless there is an error, the output is a numpy array """ num_comp = self.n_gauss + 1 if self.n_poly > 0 else self.n_gauss if component is not None: if np.size(component) == 1: use_comp = np.array([component], dtype=int) else: use_comp = np.array(component, dtype=int) use_comp = use_comp.round(0).astype(int) for c in range(use_comp.size): if use_comp[c] < 0: # Converted a negative index to the correct positive value use_comp[c] = num_comp + use_comp[c] elif use_comp[c] >= num_comp: print('Error: input component number is too large!') use_comp = 'error' else: use_comp = None return use_comp def _validate_coords(self, coords): """Helper function for validating pixel coordinate pairs. """ if coords is not None: if np.size(coords) == 2: use_coords = [int(coords[0]), int(coords[1])] if use_coords[0] < 0: use_coords[0] = self.n_pxls + use_coords[0] if use_coords[1] < 0: use_coords[1] = self.n_steps + use_coords[1] if use_coords[0] >= self.n_pxls or use_coords[1] >= self.n_steps: print('Error: requested coordinates are outside the range' +' of available results!') use_coords = 'error' else: print('Error: please input a valid coordinate pair or' +' "set coords=None"') use_coords = 'error' else: use_coords = None return use_coords def _validate_param_name(self, param_name, casefold): """Helper function for validating a single parameter name. """ if param_name is not None and not isinstance(param_name, str): print('Error: please set param_name to either a single string value' +' or None') use_name = "0" else: use_name = param_name if casefold: use_name = use_name.lower() return use_name def _get_param_filter(self, component=None, param_name=None): print('Sorry, _get_param_filter() is not implemented at this time.') return None
[docs] def get_params(self, component=None, param_name=None, coords=None, casefold=False): """Extract parameters values by component number, name, or pixel coords Parameters ---------- component : int or list, optional Integer number (or list of ints) of the functional component(s). If set to None, will return all parameters that match "param_name". Default is None. param_name : str, optional String name of the requested parameter. If set to None, will not filter based on paramater name. Default is None coords : list or tuple, optional Array (Y, X) coordinates of the requested datapoint. If set to None, will instead return the parameters at all locations. Default is None casefold : bool, optional If set to True, will ignore case when extracting parameters by name. Default is False. Returns ------- param_vals : `numpy.ndarray` Parameter values param_errs : `numpy.ndarray` Estimated parameter errors """ # Validate input values use_comp = self._validate_component_num(component) use_coords = self._validate_coords(coords) use_name = self._validate_param_name(param_name, casefold) if (isinstance(use_coords, str)) or (isinstance(use_comp, str)) or (use_name == '0'): return None, None # Now, create create index array and apply filters num_params =['param_names'].size p_name_arr =['param_names'] if casefold: p_name_arr = p_name_arr.lower() p_ind = np.full(num_params, False, dtype=bool) if (param_name is None) and (component is None): p_ind[:] = True if param_name is not None: loc_name = np.char.startswith(p_name_arr, use_name) else: loc_name = np.full(num_params, True, dtype=bool) if component is not None: for c in range(use_comp.size): loc_comp = np.where((['component'] == use_comp[c]) & (loc_name == True)) p_ind[loc_comp] = True elif param_name is not None: p_ind[loc_name] = True # Finally, extract the parameters at the given coords if coords is not None: param_vals =['params'][coords[0], coords[1], p_ind] param_errs =['perror'][coords[0], coords[1], p_ind] else: param_vals =['params'][:, :, p_ind] param_errs =['perror'][:, :, p_ind] return param_vals, param_errs
[docs] def get_fit_profile(self, component=None, coords=None, num_wavelengths=None, wave_range='auto', use_mask=True): """Calculate the fit intensity profile (total or component) at a location. Parameters ---------- component : int or list, optional Integer number (or list of ints) of the functional component(s). If set to None, will return the total combined fit profile. Default is None. coords : list or tuple, optional Array (Y, X) coordinates of the requested datapoint. If set to None, will instead return the profile at all locations. Default is None num_wavelengths : int, optional Number of wavelength values to compute the fit intensity at. These values will be equally spaced and span the entire fit window. If set to None, will use the observed wavelength values. Default is None. wave_range : list or array, optional List or array with two elements giving the wavelength range to use for calculating the intensity profile. use_mask : bool, optional If set to True and num_wavelengths == None (i.e. intensity is computed at observed wavelength values), then apply the mask that was used for the fitting process to filter out bad data or observations outside of fit template range. Returns ------- fit_wave : `numpy.ndarray` Wavelength values fit_inten : `numpy.ndarray` Fit intensity values """ # Validate input values use_comp = self._validate_component_num(component) use_coords = self._validate_coords(coords) if (isinstance(use_coords, str)) or (isinstance(use_comp, str)): return None, None # Validate wave range for interpolated results # Note: a range of [0, 0] will be replaced with the obs. window range if str(wave_range).lower() == 'auto': use_range =['wave_range'] elif str(wave_range).lower() == 'none': use_range = [0, 0] elif len(wave_range) == 2: use_range = wave_range else: print('Warning: incorrect number of wave_range values.' +' Returning full spectral window instead.') use_range = [0, 0] if num_wavelengths is not None and use_range[0] == 0: if coords is not None: # single spectrum # Note: the paren are needed here to unpack use_coords use_range[0] =['wavelength'][(*use_coords, 0)] use_range[1] =['wavelength'][(*use_coords, -1)] else: # full image use_range[0] = np.median(['wavelength'][:,:,0]) use_range[1] = np.median(['wavelength'][:,:,-1]) # Determine numbers and types of components in output profile full_num_comp = self.n_gauss + 1 if self.n_poly > 0 else self.n_gauss if use_comp is None: num_gauss = self.n_gauss num_poly = self.n_poly else: if (self.n_poly > 0) and (full_num_comp-1 in use_comp): num_gauss = use_comp.size - 1 num_poly = self.n_poly else: num_gauss = use_comp.size num_poly = 0 # Extract the parameters for either the total or component profile # Note: all poly terms are considered part of a single background component param_vals, param_errs = self.get_params(component=use_comp, coords=use_coords) # Create output wavelength array and then calculate the fit profile if coords is not None: # Single spectrum if num_wavelengths is None: fit_wave =['wavelength'][use_coords[0], use_coords[1], :] else: fit_wave = np.linspace(use_range[0], use_range[-1], num_wavelengths) if['status'][use_coords[0], use_coords[1]] > 0: fit_inten = self.fit_func(param_vals, fit_wave, num_gauss, num_poly) else: fit_inten = np.zeros_like(fit_wave) else: # Full image if num_wavelengths is None: fit_wave =['wavelength'][:,:,:] fit_inten = np.zeros((self.n_pxls, self.n_steps, self.n_wave)) else: fit_wave = np.linspace(use_range[0], use_range[-1], num_wavelengths) fit_wave = np.tile(fit_wave[np.newaxis, np.newaxis, :], (self.n_pxls, self.n_steps, 1)) fit_inten = np.zeros((self.n_pxls, self.n_steps, num_wavelengths)) # Loop over locations and calculate each fit profile for ii in range(self.n_pxls): for jj in range(self.n_steps): if['status'][ii, jj] > 0: fit_inten[ii,jj,:] = self.fit_func(param_vals[ii,jj,:], fit_wave[ii,jj,:], num_gauss, num_poly) # Apply data masking as needed. Remember: 0 = False = good data (unmasked) if use_mask == True and num_wavelengths is None and 'mask' in if coords is not None: # Single spectrum mask_arr =['mask'][use_coords[0], use_coords[1], :] fit_wave =, mask=mask_arr) fit_inten =, mask=mask_arr) else: # Full image mask_arr =['mask'][:,:,:] fit_wave =, mask=mask_arr) fit_inten =, mask=mask_arr) return fit_wave, fit_inten
[docs] def calculate_velocity(self, component=0, rest_wave=None, update_results=True, **kwargs): """Calculate the Doppler velocity for a selected gaussian component Parameters ---------- component : int, optional Integer number of the fit gaussian. Default is 0 (first line in fit) rest_wave : float or str, optional Rest wavelength value in units of [Angstrom]. If given a string, will check to see if it is a spectral line ID and, if it is, will try to extract the rest wavelength. If set to None, will use the initial value specified in the .parinfo dictionary. Default is None. update_results : bool, optional If set to True, will update the .fit['vel'] and .fit['err_vel'] arrays in this. Default is True. **kwargs : dict or keywords, optional Optional keywords to pass to eispac.instr.calc_velocity() Returns ------- velocity : `numpy.ndarray` Array of calculated Doppler velocities rel_error : `numpy.ndarray` Array of relative error values for the velocities """ # Validate input values gauss_ind = component if gauss_ind < 0 or gauss_ind >= self.n_gauss: print('Error: invalid component number. Please input a number' +' >= 0 and < the total number of gaussians in the fit.') return None if rest_wave is None: rest_wave = self.parinfo[1+3*gauss_ind]['value'] # Calculate the velocities obs_cent =['params'][:,:,1+3*gauss_ind] obs_errs =['perror'][:,:,1+3*gauss_ind] velocity = calc_velocity(obs_cent, rest_wave, **kwargs) rel_error = obs_errs/obs_cent if velocity is not None: rel_error = rel_error*velocity if update_results and velocity is not None:['vel'][:,:,gauss_ind] = velocity['err_vel'][:,:,gauss_ind] = rel_error*velocity return velocity, rel_error
[docs] def get_map(self, component=0, measurement='intensity', **kwargs): """Return an EISMap of either intensity, velocity, or width Parameters ---------- component : int, optional Integer number of the fit gaussian. Default is 0 (first line in fit) measurement : string, optional Measured parameter to create the map for. Choose from "intensity", "velocity", or "width". Default is "intensity" **kwargs : dict or keywords, optional Optional keywords to pass to EISMap Returns ------- output_map : `~eispac.core.EISMap` class instance EISMap of the requested measurement. """ # Validate input values gauss_ind = component if gauss_ind < 0 or gauss_ind >= self.n_gauss: print('Error: invalid component number. Please input a number' +' >= 0 and < the total number of gaussians in the fit.') return None if not isinstance(measurement, str): print('Error: invalid measurement datatype. Please input a string' +' with a value of "intensity", "velocity", or "width"') return None if self.meta is None or 'mod_index' not in self.meta.keys(): print("Error: Missing mod_index containing pointing information.") return None # Fetch index from the meta structure, cut out spectral data and update hdr_dict = copy.deepcopy(self.meta['mod_index']) void = hdr_dict.pop('cname3', None) void = hdr_dict.pop('crval3', None) void = hdr_dict.pop('crpix3', None) void = hdr_dict.pop('cdelt3', None) void = hdr_dict.pop('ctype3', None) void = hdr_dict.pop('cunit3', None) void = hdr_dict.pop('naxis3', None) hdr_dict['naxis'] = 2 hdr_dict['line_id'] =['line_ids'][gauss_ind] code_ver = self.eispac_version date_fit = self.date_fit hdr_dict['history'] = 'fit using eispac '+code_ver+' on '+date_fit if measurement.lower().startswith('int'): hdr_dict['measrmnt'] = 'intensity' data_array = copy.deepcopy(['int'][:,:,gauss_ind]) err_array = copy.deepcopy(['err_int'][:,:,gauss_ind]) hdr_dict['bunit'] =['param_units'][0] elif measurement.lower().startswith('vel'): hdr_dict['measrmnt'] = 'velocity' data_array = copy.deepcopy(['vel'][:,:,gauss_ind]) err_array = copy.deepcopy(['err_vel'][:,:,gauss_ind]) hdr_dict['bunit'] = 'km/s' elif measurement.lower().startswith('wid'): hdr_dict['measrmnt'] = 'width' data_array = copy.deepcopy(['params'][:,:,2+3*gauss_ind]) err_array = copy.deepcopy(['perror'][:,:,2+3*gauss_ind]) hdr_dict['bunit'] = 'Angstrom' else: print('Error: unknown measurement value. Please input a string' +' with a value of "intensity", "velocity", or "width"') return None output_map = EISMap(data_array, hdr_dict, uncertainty=err_array, **kwargs) return output_map
[docs] def apply_radcal(self, input_radcal=None): """Apply a radiometric calibration curve (user-inputted or preflight) Parameters ---------- input_radcal : array_like, optional User-inputted radiometric calibration curve. If set to None, will use the preflight radcal curve from the .meta dict. Default is None Returns ------- output_fit : `EISFitResult` class instance A new EISFitResult class instance containing the calibrated params """ if input_radcal is None: # Preflight radcal from HDF5 header file new_radcal = self.meta['radcal'] radcal_wave = self.meta['wave'] else: # User-inputted radcal curve new_radcal = np.array(input_radcal) radcal_wave = self.meta['wave'] #TODO: allow user to input wavelengths if len(new_radcal) != self.n_wave: print('Error: input_radcal must have the same number of elements' +' as length of the wave dimension.') return self output_radcal = new_radcal if self.data_units not in ['ph', 'photon']: if str(self.radcal) == 'unknown': print('Error: Data currently has an unknown radcal applied.' +' Unable to apply new calibration.') return self elif np.all(self.radcal == new_radcal): print('Error: input_radcal is identical to current radcal.' +' No calculation is required.') return self else: print('Warning: Data currently has a different radcal applied.' +' Old calibration curve will be removed.') new_radcal = new_radcal/self.radcal if str(radcal_wave) == 'unknown': print('Error: unknown wavelength locations of radcal curve.' +' Unable to apply radcal curve.') return self # Make interpolated function of the radcal curve interp_radcal = interp1d(radcal_wave, new_radcal, kind='linear', fill_value='extrapolate') # Get interpolated radcal values for the peaks and constant background term loc_peaks = np.arange(self.n_gauss)*3 loc_cen = np.arange(self.n_gauss)*3+1 loc_const = self.n_gauss*3 peak_radcal = interp_radcal(['params'][:,:,loc_cen]) mean_waves = np.mean(['wavelength'], axis=2) const_radcal = interp_radcal(mean_waves) # Calculate new peak and background values new_peaks =['params'][:,:,loc_peaks]*peak_radcal new_const =['params'][:,:,loc_const]*const_radcal # Create a new EISFitResult object with the correct output output_res = EISFitResult(['wavelength'], template=self.template, parinfo=self.parinfo, func_name=self.func_name, data_units='erg / (cm2 s sr)', radcal=output_radcal) new_fit = copy.deepcopy( new_fit['param_units'] =['param_units'] new_fit['params'][:,:,loc_peaks] = new_peaks new_fit['params'][:,:,loc_const] = new_const = new_fit output_res.meta = copy.deepcopy(self.meta) output_res.meta['mod_index']['bunit'] = 'erg / (cm2 s sr)' return output_res
[docs] def remove_radcal(self): """Remove the applied radiometric calibration and convert data to counts Returns ------- output_cube : `EISFitResult` class instance A new EISFitResult class instance containing the photon count data """ if self.data_units in ['ph', 'photon']: print('Error: Data is already in units of photon counts.' +' No calculation required.') return self elif str(self.radcal) == 'unknown': print('Error: Data currently has an unknown radcal applied.' +' Unable to remove calibration.') return self radcal_wave = self.meta['wave'] if str(radcal_wave) == 'unknown': print('Error: unknown wavelength locations of radcal curve.' +' Unable to remove radcal curve.') return self # Make interpolated function of the radcal curve interp_radcal = interp1d(radcal_wave, self.radcal, kind='linear', fill_value='extrapolate') # Get interpolated radcal values for the peaks and constant background term loc_peaks = np.arange(self.n_gauss)*3 loc_cen = np.arange(self.n_gauss)*3+1 loc_const = self.n_gauss*3 peak_radcal = interp_radcal(['params'][:,:,loc_cen]) mean_waves = np.mean(['wavelength'], axis=2) const_radcal = interp_radcal(mean_waves) # Calculate new peak and background values new_peaks =['params'][:,:,loc_peaks]/peak_radcal new_const =['params'][:,:,loc_const]/const_radcal # Create a new EISFitResult object with the correct output output_res = EISFitResult(['wavelength'], template=self.template, parinfo=self.parinfo, func_name=self.func_name, data_units='photon', radcal=None) new_fit = copy.deepcopy( new_fit['param_units'] =['param_units'] new_fit['params'][:,:,loc_peaks] = new_peaks new_fit['params'][:,:,loc_const] = new_const = new_fit output_res.meta = copy.deepcopy(self.meta) output_res.meta['mod_index']['bunit'] = 'photon' return output_res
[docs] def rot_fov(self, end_time): """Return pointing information for the raster rotated to the input time. Parameters ---------- end_time : any time format that can be parsed by `~sunpy.time.parse_time` Time at which the rotated EIS pointing is desired. Usually should be after the first observation in the EIS raster. Returns ------- fov : dict Dictionary with the estimated EIS raster center coords and FOV. This is calculated using the SunPy function `~sunpy.physics.differential_rotation.solar_rotate_coordinate` """ if self.meta is None or 'pointing' not in self.meta.keys(): print("Error: missing pointing information.") return None pointing = self.meta['pointing'] xcen = pointing['xcen'] + pointing['offset_x'] ycen = pointing['ycen'] + pointing['offset_y'] new = rot_xy(xcen, ycen, pointing['ref_time'], end_time) fov = {'ref_time': end_time, 'xcen': new.Tx.value, 'ycen': new.Ty.value, 'fovx': pointing['fovx'], 'fovy': pointing['fovy']} return fov
[docs] def plot_fov(self, end_time, color='red', lw=1, ls='-'): """ Return a patch of the raster FOV for plotting on an image. Parameters ---------- end_time : any time format that can be parsed by `~sunpy.time.parse_time` Time at which the rotated EIS pointing is desired. Usually should be after the first observation in the EIS raster. color : str, optional Color of the output rectangle. Default is "red". lw : int, optional Linewidth of the output rectangle. Default is 1. ls : str, optional Line style of the output rectangle. Default is "-" (solid line). Returns ------- rect : `~matplotlib.patches.Rectangle` Matplotlib Rectangle patch. Useful for plotting the EIS FOV on a context image taken with a different instrument. """ fov = self.rot_fov(end_time) x1 = fov['xcen'] - fov['fovx']/2 y1 = fov['ycen'] - fov['fovy']/2 rect = plt.Rectangle((x1, y1), fov['fovx'], fov['fovy'], fc='none', ec=color, lw=lw, ls=ls) return rect
[docs] def get_aspect_ratio(self): """Return the data aspect ratio (y-scale/x-scale) as a float """ # NB: Aspect_ratio is given as y_scale/x_scale (NB: y_scale is 1 arcsec) if self.meta is None or 'aspect_ratio' not in self.meta.keys(): print("Error: aspect ratio is unknown. Returning a value of 1.0") return 1.0 return self.meta['aspect_ratio']
[docs] def shift2wave(self, array, wave=195.119): """Shift an array from this fit to the desired wavelength """ this_wave =['wave_range'].mean() disp = np.zeros(len(array.shape)) disp[0] = ccd_offset(wave) - ccd_offset(this_wave) array = shift_img(array, disp) return array
[docs] def create_fit_dict(n_pxls, n_steps, n_wave, n_gauss, n_poly, data_units='unknown'): """Dictionary to hold the fit parameters returned by fit_spectra() Parameters ---------- n_pxls : int Number of pixels along each data slit n_steps : int Number of steps in the raster or sit-and-stare observation set n_wave : int number of wavelength points n_gauss : int Number of Gaussian functions in the combinted fit profile n_poly : int Degree of background polynomial data_units : str, optional String name of the data units (e.g. "counts", "erg / (cm2 s sr)", etc.) Default is "unknown" Returns ------- output : dict Empty dictionary with the correct dimensions and keys for a fit result. """ n_param = 3*n_gauss + n_poly output = {'line_ids': np.zeros(n_gauss, dtype='<U32'), 'main_component': 0, 'n_gauss': n_gauss, 'n_poly': n_poly, 'wave_range': np.zeros(2), 'status': np.zeros((n_pxls, n_steps)), 'chi2': np.zeros((n_pxls, n_steps)), 'mask': np.zeros((n_pxls, n_steps, n_wave), dtype='int'), 'wavelength': np.zeros((n_pxls, n_steps, n_wave)), 'int': np.zeros((n_pxls, n_steps, n_gauss)), 'err_int': np.zeros((n_pxls, n_steps, n_gauss)), 'vel': np.zeros((n_pxls, n_steps, n_gauss)), 'err_vel': np.zeros((n_pxls, n_steps, n_gauss)), # 'peak': np.zeros((n_pxls, n_steps, n_gauss)), # 'err_peak': np.zeros((n_pxls, n_steps, n_gauss)), # 'centroid': np.zeros((n_pxls, n_steps, n_gauss)), # 'err_centroid': np.zeros((n_pxls, n_steps, n_gauss)), 'width': np.zeros((n_pxls, n_steps, n_gauss)), 'err_width': np.zeros((n_pxls, n_steps, n_gauss)), # 'background': np.zeros((n_pxls, n_steps, n_poly)), # 'err_background': np.zeros((n_pxls, n_steps, n_poly)), 'params': np.zeros((n_pxls, n_steps, n_param)), 'perror': np.zeros((n_pxls, n_steps, n_param)), 'component': np.zeros(n_param, dtype='int'), 'param_names': np.zeros(n_param, dtype='<U32'), 'param_units': np.zeros(n_param, dtype='<U32')} # Create string labels for each component parameter # TODO: standardize name system to better match Astropy.modeling num_comp = n_gauss + 1 if n_poly > 0 else n_gauss for s in range(num_comp): if s == n_gauss and n_poly > 0: output['component'][3*n_gauss:] = s output['param_names'][3*n_gauss:] = ['c0', 'c1', 'c2', 'c3', 'c4'][0:n_poly] poly_AA = ['', ' /Angstrom ', ' /Angstrom^2', ' /Angstrom^3', ' /Angstrom^4'] output['param_units'][3*n_gauss:] = [apu+data_units for apu in poly_AA][0:n_poly] else: output['component'][3*s:3*s+3] = s output['param_names'][3*s:3*s+3] = ['peak', 'centroid', 'width'] output['param_units'][3*s:3*s+3] = [data_units, 'Angstrom', 'Angstrom'] return output