Source code for eispac.core.fitting_functions

__all__ = ['multigaussian', 'multigaussian_deviates']

import sys
import numpy as np

# -----------------------------------------------------------------
# model for fitting EIS line profiles using
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# series of Guassian model functions with polynomial background
[docs] def multigaussian(param, x, n_gauss=1, n_poly=0): """Multigaussian model with a polynomial background Parameters ---------- param : array_like Model fit parameters. There must be 3*n_gauss + n_poly param values. For each Gaussian component, the parameters are assumed to have the order of [peak, centroid, width] for each Gaussian, followed by the polynomial terms (if any) in INCREASING order (e.g. c0, c1, c2) x : array_like Independent variable values to evaluate the function at. For EIS data, this will usually correspond to wavelength values. n_gauss : int, optional Number of Gaussian components. Default is "1" n_poly : int, optional Number of background polynomial terms. Common values are: o (no background), 1 (constant), and 2 (linear). Default is "0" Returns ------- f : array_like Function evaluated at each x value """ # check inputs n_param = len(param) if n_param != 3*n_gauss+n_poly: print(' ! input parameter sizes do not match ... stopping') sys.exit() # compute Gaussians nx = len(x) f = np.zeros(nx) for n in range(n_gauss): p = param[3*n:3*n+3] arg = ((x-p[1])/p[2])**2 f = f + p[0]*np.exp(-arg/2.0) # compute polynomial background if n_poly > 0: p = param[3*n_gauss::] # f = f + np.polyval(p,x) #outdated: p starts with HIGHEST order term f = f + np.polynomial.polynomial.polyval(x, p) #LOWEST order first return f
# ----------------------------------------------------------------- # deviates for fitting EIS line profiles using # ----------------------------------------------------------------- # computes deviates between fit model and data
[docs] def multigaussian_deviates(param, x=None, y=None, error=None, n_gauss=None, n_poly=None, fjac=None, debug=False): """Computes the deviates between a multigaussian model fit and input data. Parameters ---------- param : array_like Model fit parameters. There must be 3*n_gauss + n_poly param values. For each Gaussian component, the parameters are assumed to have the order of [peak, centroid, width] for each Gaussian, followed by the polynomial terms (if any) in INCREASING order (e.g. c0, c1, c2) x : array_like x : array_like Independent variable values to evaluate the function at. For EIS data, this will usually correspond to wavelength values. y : array_like Measured values. For EIS data, this will usually correspond to intensity observations. error : array_like Error values for each measurment. n_gauss : int Number of Gaussian components. n_poly : int Number of background polynomial terms. Common values are: o (no background), 1 (constant), and 2 (linear). fjac : None Used by mpfit. When fjac == None, partial derivatives will NOT be calculated. This is the default for mpfit. debug : boolean, optional Toggles 'debugging mode'. If set to 'True', then the code will print an error statement and exit when it encounters invalid inputs or empty data. Default it 'False', which will result in just a negative status flag. Returns ------- [status, deviates] """ # check inputs n_param = len(param) if n_param != 3*n_gauss+n_poly and debug == True: print(' ! input parameter sizes do not match ... stopping') sys.exit() elif n_param != 3*n_gauss+n_poly: deviates = np.zeros(len(y)) - 1 return [-3, deviates] # check data match, = np.where(error < 0.0) nbad = len(match) ndata = len(y) if nbad == ndata and debug == True: print(' ! no good data ... stopping') sys.exit() elif nbad == ndata: deviates = np.zeros(ndata) - 1 return [-2, deviates] # compute model function model = multigaussian(param, x, n_gauss, n_poly) # compute deviates if nbad == 0: deviates = (y-model)/error else: error[match] = 1.0 deviates = (y-model)/error deviates[match] = 0.0 status = 0 return [status, deviates]