Source code for eispac.core.save_fit

__all__ = ['lineid_to_name', 'save_fit']

import sys
import shutil
import pathlib
import numpy as np
import h5py
from eispac.core.eisfitresult import EISFitResult

[docs] def lineid_to_name(lineid): """Convert line IDs to filesystem-friendly strings Parameters ---------- lineid : str Line ID string (e.g. Fe XII 195.119) Returns ------- name : str Line name as a strong suitable for filenames (e.g. fe_12_195_119) """ # Decode byte strings (if needed) if not isinstance(lineid, str): lineid = lineid.decode('utf-8') # get components of string split = lineid.split(' ') element = split[0].lower() ion = split[1] wave = split[2].split('.') # fix element symbol if len(element) == 1: element = element[0]+'_' # convert roman numeral to integer roman = {'I':1, 'V':5, 'X':10, 'L':50} nion = len(ion) numbr = 0 for i in range(nion): if (i+1) == nion or roman[ion[i]] >= roman[ion[i+1]]: numbr += roman[ion[i]] else: numbr -= roman[ion[i]] # assemble string name numbr_s = f'{numbr:02d}' wave1_s = str(wave[0]) wave2_s = str(wave[1]) if len(wave2_s) == 2: wave2_s += '0' name = element+'_'+numbr_s+'_'+wave1_s+'_'+wave2_s return name
def walk_and_save(hdf5_group, data_obj, data_key, print_str, verbose=False): """Helper function for saving EISFitResult data in a HDF5 file. Walks through dictionaries or lists and recursively saves data it finds along the way. Parameters ---------- hdf5_group : h5py.File or h5py.Group objects HDF5 file or group object currently open in write mode data_obj : dict, list, numpy array, or scalar Data or container with data to be saved verbose : bool, optional If set to True, will print the name of each data variable saved. Default is False. Returns ------- None """ if isinstance(data_obj, (dict, list)): # Create a subgroup and recursively loop over each subgroup key subgrp = hdf5_group.create_group(str(data_key)) if isinstance(data_obj, dict): subgrp_index = data_obj.keys() else: # For lists, the keys are just index numbers (e.g. 0, 1, 2,...) subgrp_index = range(len(data_obj)) for subkey in subgrp_index: new_print_str = print_str+'/'+str(subkey) walk_and_save(subgrp, data_obj[subkey], subkey, new_print_str, verbose=verbose) else: # Save data to group (also converts numpy fixed-width # Note: numpy arrays of fixed-width unicode strings will be # converted to ascii, for better storage in HDF5 files if verbose: print(' ', print_str) temp_data = data_obj if isinstance(data_obj, (np.ndarray, np.str_)): if str(data_obj.dtype).startswith('U', 1): temp_data = data_obj.astype(np.string_) hdf5_group.create_dataset(str(data_key), data=temp_data) # function to save fit dictionary
[docs] def save_fit(fit_result, save_dir=None, verbose=False): """Save an EISFitResult object to an HDF5 file (or files) Parameters ---------- fit_result : EISFitResult object Fit parameter results from eispac.fit_spectra() save_dir : str or pathlib.Path object, optional Directory where the fit results should be saved. If set to None, the results will be saved in the same folder as the source data. If set to, 'cwd', the results will be saved to the current working directory. Default is None. verbose : bool, optional If set to True, will print the name of each data variable saved. Default is False. Returns ------- output_filepath : list or pathlib.Path object Path object pointing to the output file. If there are more one than one spectral lines fit, multiple copies of the same output file will be saved but with different filenames. """ # Validate inputs if not isinstance(fit_result, EISFitResult): print("Error: Please input a valid EISFitResult object.", file=sys.stderr) return None # Parse filename and determine the directory and filename data_filepath = pathlib.Path(fit_result.meta['filename_head']).resolve() data_name = str( if save_dir is None: output_dir = data_filepath.parent elif isinstance(save_dir, pathlib.Path): output_dir = save_dir elif isinstance(save_dir, str): if save_dir.casefold() == 'cwd': output_dir = pathlib.Path().cwd() else: output_dir = pathlib.Path(save_dir) else: print("Error: Please input a valid save directory or set " +"save_dir='cwd' to save files to the current directory", file=sys.stderr) return None if not output_dir.is_dir(): print("Error: sav_dir is invalid or missing!", file=sys.stderr) return None # get file name string file_prefix = data_name.split('.')[0] line_name = lineid_to_name(['line_ids'][0]) try: template_id = pathlib.Path(fit_result.meta['filename_template']) template_id = template_id.split('.')[1] except: template_id = str(len(['line_ids']))+'c' output_name = file_prefix+'.'+line_name+'.'+template_id+'' output_filepath = output_dir.joinpath(output_name) print('Saving EIS fit results...') print(' Directory: '+str(output_dir)) print(' Filenames: '+output_name) # Convert the .meta['wininfo'] record array to a dict of 1D arrays # Note, this is needed because HDF5 does not play nice with recarrays if 'wininfo' in fit_result.meta.keys(): wi_rec = fit_result.meta['wininfo'].copy() wininfo_dict = {name:wi_rec[name] for name in wi_rec.dtype.names} fit_result.meta['wininfo'] = wininfo_dict # Loop over each EISFitResult attribute and save the structure as found # TODO: consider setting dtype directly (w/ h5py special types for strings) real_main_comp =['main_component']['main_component'] = 0 with h5py.File(output_filepath, 'w') as fit_file: for attr_name in vars(fit_result): if attr_name == 'fit_func': # Don't try saving python functions, it does not work. continue attr = getattr(fit_result, attr_name) walk_and_save(fit_file, attr, attr_name, attr_name, verbose=verbose) # reset real main component number['main_component'] = real_main_comp # Ensure wininfo stays as a recarray in the current session if 'wininfo' in fit_result.meta.keys(): fit_result.meta['wininfo'] = wi_rec # If there are multiple line_ids, make a copy of the file with a new name # and return a list of filepaths (consistent with old IDL workflow) num_line_ids = len(['line_ids']) if num_line_ids > 1: list_output = [output_filepath] for line_num in range(1, num_line_ids): line_id =['line_ids'][line_num] if 'NO' in line_id: print(f' LINE ID = {line_id}, skipping') continue new_line_name = lineid_to_name(line_id) new_out_name = file_prefix+'.'+new_line_name+'.'+template_id+'-'+str(line_num)+'.fit.h5' list_output.append(output_dir.joinpath(new_out_name)) print(' '+new_out_name) # 14 spaces to align filenames shutil.copy(output_filepath, list_output[-1]) with h5py.File(list_output[-1], 'r+') as new_file: main_comp = new_file['fit/main_component'] main_comp[...] = line_num return list_output else: # If only one line, just return the filepath directly (no list) return output_filepath