Level-1 HDF5 File Processing

This chapter describes in more detail how the EIS level-1 HDF5 files were processed and saved. These HDF5 files can be downloaded from https://eis.nrl.navy.mil/ or by using the search & download functionality of EISPAC (see the section on eis_catalog GUI or Web Browser).

Prepping the Data in IDL

The level-0 fits files were prepped using the IDL routine eis_prep available via SolarSoft [1] with the following options:

default = 1
save = 1
quiet = 1
retain = 1
photons = 1
refill = 0

There are 400,000+ EIS level-0 files at present, but on a multi-core machine using the IDL bridge all of the files can be prepped in under 24 hours. We have prepped all of the available EIS files and saved them to standard fits files in the usual way. Some important points:

  • units - As mentioned previously, the units for the output in these level-1 files is “photon events” or “counts.” This means that the statistical uncertainty can usually be estimated as \(\sqrt{N}\). When EISPAC loads the HDF5 files, it also calculates an estimate for the read noise contribution. It should be noted, however, that the read noise becomes significant only at very low flux levels (1–2 counts).

  • retain - Note that the retain keyword preserves negative values. One of the jobs of eis_prep is to remove the pedestal from the CCD readout and any time-dependent dark current. Since the spectral windows are generally narrow, the estimate of the background can be too high and the subtracted intensities of the continuum can be negative. This will be dealt with during the fitting.

  • refill - The warm pixel problem complicates the fitting of EIS line profiles. As discussed in the EIS software note #13 (found in SSW or on the MSSL EIS Wiki), interpolating the values of missing pixels appears to best reproduce the original data. This option is left off during eis_prep so that the level-1 fits file preserves the information on the missing pixels. As discussed below, the interpolation (via the refill option) is done during the read and this data is ultimately written to the HDF5 file. A mask indicating which pixels have been interpolated will be added to the HDF5 files in a future revision.

Here is an IDL code snippet related to reading the data by looping over the spectral windows.

for iwin=0, nwin-1 do begin
  d = eis_getwindata(eis_level1_filename, iwin, /refill, /quiet)
  eis_level1_data[iwin] = ptr_new(d)

Writing the HDF5 Files

Each processed level-1 fits file was bundled up with the associated calibration and metadata and saved as a pair of two HDF5 files:

  • eis_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.data.h5 - Contains only the corrected photon counts within each spectral window. This is, by far, the larger of the two HDF5 files. However, they should not need to be updated or downloaded very often.

  • eis_YYYYMMDD_HHMMSS.head.h5 - Contains the original fit file index, calibration curves for each spectral window (used to convert counts into intensity values), and the corrected pointing information.

Internal Structure

Users will rarely, if ever, need to access the information inside the HDF5 files directly. EISPAC contains all of the functions needed to read the data and apply the calibration and pointing corrections. Nevertheless, the contents and data structure of the HDF5 files are summarized below.

Data Files (*.data.h5)

  • level1 (group)

    • intensity_units (dataset) - String with the level1 data units. This will usually be “counts”

    • win## (dataset) - array of floating point values with the photon counts in a given spectral window (e.g. win00, win01, ... win24). Note well, each set of EIS observations may have a different number of spectral windows, up to a maximum of 24 windows. Window numbers are numbered sequentially from 00; a given wavelength range may be assigned a different window number in each EIS study.

Header Files (*.head.h5)

  • ccd_offsets (group)

    • win## (dataset) - array of CCD pointing offsets (in units of [arcsec] along the Solar-Y axis) for each wavelength value observed in a given spectral window. Computed in IDL using the function eis_ccd_offset. While the offset technically varies with wavelength, the difference within a single window is on the order of 0.05 arcsec. Therefore, the mean CCD offset within a window is commonly used.

  • exposure_times (group)

    • duration (dataset) - array of exposure times for each raster position within the EIS observation

    • duration_units (string) - units of exposure times (usually “seconds”).

  • index (group) - complete FITS header from the original level-0 EIS data file.

  • instrumental_broadening (group)

    • slit_width (dataset) - array of widths along the EIS slit, as computed by the IDL function eis_slit_width.

    • slit_width_units (string) - units of slit width (usually “Angstroms”).

  • pointing (group) - various arrays and reference values needed for correcting and updating the pointing values. Subarrays and values included: fovx, fovy, offset_x, offset_y, ref_time, solar_x, solar_y, x_scale, xcen, y_scale, & ycen.

  • radcal (group)

    • win##_pre (dataset) - Pre-flight radiometric calibration curve for each spectral window in the observation.

  • times (group)

    • date_obs (dataset) - array of starting timestamps for each raster position in the EIS observation.

    • time_format (string) - format code for the timestamps (“iso_8601”).

  • wavelength (group)

    • wave_corr (dataset) - combined array of wave correction factors due to all orbital and instrumental effects (see below).

    • wave_corr_t (dataset) - array of wave correction factors due to the orbital motion and instrument temperature. This is computed using the hkwavecorr method in IDL.

    • wave_corr_tilt (dataset) - array of wave correction factors due to the tilt EIS slit relative to the orientation of the CCD.

    • win## (dataset) - uncorrected wavelength arrays for each spectral window in the observation (in units of [Angstrom]).

  • wininfo (group)

    • nwin (integer) - number of spectral windows in the EIS observation

    • win## (group) - dictionary of window information for a given spectral window. Values included: iwin, line_id, nl, wvl_max, wvl_min, xs.

The contents of the HDF5 files can be displayed using the h5dump command line tool, which is provided along with the Anaconda Python distribution platform or can be installed on its own. Example usage,

> h5dump -n eis_20190404_131513.data.h5
group      /
group      /level1
dataset    /level1/intensity_units
dataset    /level1/win00
dataset    /level1/win01
dataset    /level1/win02
dataset    /level1/win03
dataset    /level1/win04
dataset    /level1/win05
. . .

The actual data associated with each variable can be printed out using the -d option. For example,

> h5dump -d exposure_times/duration eis_20190404_131513.head.h5
HDF5 "eis_20190404_131513.head.h5" {
DATASET "exposure_times/duration" {
   DATASPACE  SIMPLE { ( 87 ) / ( 87 ) }
   DATA {
   (0): 40.0005, 40.0002, 40.0004, 40.0004, 39.9994, 40.0002, 39.9995, 40,
   (8): 40.0007, 39.9999, 40.0005, 40.0004, 39.9997, 40.0002, 39.9994,
   . . .
